Monday, February 25, 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird

Title: To Kill A Mockingbird
Author: Harper Lee
Pages: 376
Genre: Classic

For this weeks blog post the question I have to answer is, How would you describe the author's use of language in this novel? Do you each enjoy how it is used? Explain? Have you learned a new vocabulary word while reading this novel?

My mum said, The story is set in America's South so you find some words are not pronounced properly giving the impression of a southern drawl. This language gives an authentic setting to the reader. So my mum said to me that she did not really find any words that she did not know. Because since she has read a few books that have southern language she now knows a lot of it. Same with me I have read quite a few books such as, The Help, The Secret Life of Bee's, etc. So I am quite familiar with it. But there are always words that I am never sure what they mean. Because there is about a word on each page that I would not understand I have just picked a random page, so I have turned to page 27 and have found the word erratic. erratic means, lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity. It is in the sentence, 'She was furious, and when she was furious Calpurnia's grammar became erratic.'

One chapter in the book that I really enjoy is when Atticus leaves during the night to go work on the court case, and some of the other men come and they want to kill him because he was defending a white person. But Jem and Scout follow and when they meet him he is shocked but when they go out they see all the men. Atticus tries to protect Jem and Scout but Scout who does not exactly understand what is going on decides to make normal conversation. She asks Walters dad how is Walter doing, and she tells him that one day she invited him over for lunch. By Scout doing this she stopped all of these men from fighting, she stopped them getting into trouble. All because of her, she made these men think about their lives, their children, they would just be throwing it all away. Scout an 8 year old girl stopped them all from fighting.

I admire Scout's will and strength even when she is not trying she still is able to be a strong women. I think my favorite thing that I love about Scout is how she is a big tom boy. And when she might do something her brother will say to her, "Scout, I'm tellin' you for the last time, shut your trap or go home- I declare to the Lord you're gettin' more like a girl everyday!" (Lee 24).  and she will say that she is not. In away she has two sides, she looks up to her brother and she wants to be like him, as she will try and do everything that he does, and my favorite, how she loves her overalls. But then other times all she wants to be when she is older is a women. She wants to be a strong, fearless, independent women. As all the ladies of the neighborhood are at Aunt Alexandrea's for a brunch tea party thing, Miss Maudie asks Scout what she wants to be when she grows up as the quote says, 'Miss Stephanie was encouraged to puersue the subject: "Don't you want ot grow up to be a lawyer?" mildly enough, "Nome, just a lady." (Lee 254).

I really have enjoyed this book and I recommend it to anyone who wants to read a classic book but also shows some history if black and white. This book has now become one of my favorite books I really love it. 


  1. Really great post. Love that you included the type of language used. It gives me more of an idea of what type of book it is

  2. It seems that you finished the book. And I also really enjoyed the court scene. I guess it was kind of exciting for me? it was like looking at TV. I think that was my favorite one too.

  3. really nice post with lots of detail. I am reading this book and i totally agree that the authors language kind of makes the setting which is America's South stand out. I also agree with Inho the court scene was very exciting.

  4. This book looks like it is placed in the 1900's. The language that they use and the language that you used to describe it sounds a lot like it.

  5. The way you described the setting, (of how the author described it) seemed to me like i was actually there. Well done :D
