Sunday, February 3, 2013

Partner reading 3

 In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, the protagonist is a little girl called Scout. I really like this character since she is unusual. She is unusually intelligent, she learns to read before beginning school, she is very confident, she fights boys without fear. Scout is a quite thoughtful girl, she worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind, and unusually good, she always acts with the best intentions. All of this is quite impressive and unusual for a little girl. This character reminds me a lot of Abby. The reason why is because the protagonist is so nice and would never do anything wrong just like Abby. Scout is very smart which is another thing they have in common, as well as being a tomboy. They are not exactly the same, but most of Scouts traits remind me of Abby. 

Book Title: Wicked Lovely
Author:Melissa Marr
Genre: Fantasy
Number of pages:328
Pages read: 245

Summary: Aislinn is special and different, she can see faeries in her town of Huntsdale, and they are not hamrless. They are mean things who like ruining humans lives and she knows that her life would be in danger if any of the faeries find out she can see them. Aislinn fears for her life when Keenan, the handsome young king of the Summer faeries, starts following her. Keenan wants Aislinn as his girfriend but also for her to be his be his new Summer Queen, and a faerie. With her as his queen. Keenan can be strong enough to warm the world and face his mother, Beira, the evil Winter Queen. So Keenan can do what he wants, he tells people he is mortal and goes to Aislin's school. Aislinn tells her friend Seth that she can see faeries, and Seth helps her research ways to defend herself against them.

Aislinn knows that avoiding Keenan forever isn’t an option. She is offered a test. If she does not take the test, she will become a Summer Girl who depends on Keenan and tied to him forever. Or she can lift the Winter staff, which is her test. When she lifts it, she will either become the Summer Queen or a lonely, isolated Winter Girl. 
So will Aislinn agree to do the test? Read my next blog post to find out.  

Quote from book:  "And he smiled at her, truly smiled- wicked and lovely". I really like this quote. I dont know why but when I read it, it stayed in my head for a long time.


  1. Nice description. I feel like reading this book right now.I love fantasy books and I love how you explained this one which made me think that it's sort of a mystery and I enjoy finding clues and paths in books to the very climax. I love your description. Great Job!

  2. Wow! I agree, she does sound like hannah, and when you first described Scout I thought she was a tomboy. It sounds like a really good classic book :)

  3. i like how you described scout in how to kill a mockingbird, but arent you supposed to write a summary of the actual classic you are reading, and not another book? and maybe you could add a quote, but i like that you have a picture and a title.
