Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

 Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
262 pages
Classic Novel

  "Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion." 
                                                                                     -chapter 17

I have previously given a summary on the novel because I have finished reading it, so in this blog all i have to talk about is the language in the novel. Jane Austen has a very discriptive way of writing. My mother says that in serbian it doesn't flow well translated, but in English I find the language very beautiful. I think that it flows with ease and that it all fits well just like a puzzel. Sometimes the language annoys me a little bit becuase all the information she gives us is not needed and can be pointless, but regardless weather it is needed or not it is normally written in a very fluid, discriptive, and beautiful way. I really think Jane Austen had a gift for writing. SO overall I think her writing is beautiful, but can go on a little bit, my mother likes it she just thinks the translation of the language is bad.

Here is a list of some of the vocabulary that I learned from this novel:

  1. importune-
    beg persistently and urgentl
  2. elate-
    fill with high spirits; fill with optimism
  3.  barefaced-
    with no effort to conceal
  4. recommence-
    cause to start anew
  5. complaisant-
    showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others


  1. My author also gives a lot of detail but I appreciate it. It helps me make a vivid picture in my head. I believe that the language in a book gives it its character.

  2. Very nice blog post. I like how you added the vocabulary at the end for us to get the image of the book. Nice explanation too. Good job!
