Sunday, February 3, 2013

To Kill A MockingBird

Title: To Kill A Mocking Bird
Author: Harper Lee
Genre: Classic
Pages: 376
The question was for this blog post is: What do you appreciate/love most about the protagonist of this novel? Give one example of whom she/he reminds each of you and why?

So my mum's reply to this was, I like having the story told by a eight year old who is stubborn and speaks her mind. She knows a lot for her age, but tends to say things when she should be seen not heard when around adults. But it really does not remind me of anyone I have met. I agree with my mum on how Scout acts, I really like the idea that the story is through the eyes of a young girl. And for me I can't think if she makes me think of anyone that I have met. But she does make me think of little girls in other books I have read. For example Lisa in The Book Thief was a very strong, stubborn, but independent girl, who also did and said things her way.

Scout is walking home by herself from school, since her brother Jem gets out 30 minutes later. As she would run past the Radley Place as fast as she could, not stopping until she reached the porch. But this afternoon as she raced passed it, something catches her eye. She takes a deep breath and goes back to the oak tree that stands at the edge of the Radley lot. Something in the tree attracts her attention, some sort of tinfoil sticking in a knot-hole, winking in the sunlight. She reaches into the hole and withdrew two pieces of chewing gum. As her first impulse is to get it into her mouth as quickly as possible, she remembers where she is standing and quickly runs to her front porch and examines the loot. As she sniffs and licks it and is still alive she pops it into her mouth: Wrigley's Double-Mint.

When Jem comes home from school and asks where she got it, he tells her to spit it out. As Scout protests that she found it in the tree, he still tells her that the tree was on the Radley property, and that she shouldn't touch the trees there. He tells her to gargle the taste out right now or else he will go tell Calpurnia. She does as he tells her because she feels as if ever since school started her relationship with Calpurnia has kind of gone the wrong way. But Scout and Jem are excited for summer to come, it meant having fun, good food, and most of all Dill. As they walked home Scout pointed at the tree where she found the gum once again, but she realized this time she was pointing at another piece of tin foil. But instead this time there were gum wrappers and a little velvet box that you would put a wedding ring in, and had to pennies inside.

But they wonder about if this is someone's, and if they should take the box or not. They decide to keep the them, and then when school starts they will go around and ask people if it is theirs. But Scout wonders, why would anyone want to hide gum?

Two days later Dill arrives. As the first summer days of freedom roll by, everyone is tired  But one day as they strolled to the front yard, Dill stood there looking at the Radley house, "I smell death" he said. " I do meant it" he said, when I told him to shut up" (Lee 48). As he tells them that he can tell when someone is going to die, as he looks at Scout as says that he is going to die in 3 days. They start to fight as Jem hushes them to stop. They then decide to play roll in the tire. As Jem is too big, Scout goes first. Scout got into the tire and folded her body, Jem pushes her hard down the sidewalk and she rolls down, and cannot stop the tire. Finally the tire bumped onto gravel, skeetered across the road, crashed into a barrier and popped her onto the pavement. All of a sudden Jem shouts for Scout to get up, get the tire and get away from there. As Scout looks around she realizes she is in the front gate of the Radley house. She dashes back without retrieving the tire.

As Jem goes to retrieve it he says, "See there?" Jem was scowling triumphantly. "Nothin' to it. I swear, Scout, sometimes you act so much like a girl it's mortifyin." There was more to it than he knew, but I decided not to tell him (Lee 50). This quote I find funny because Scout is a real Tom boy and she gets very offended when they say that she acts so much like a girl, when she is one.

I really love this book, it truly is amazing. I recommend it to anyone who just wants to read a interesting, funny, sweet, classic book.


  1. Whoa! You really like to write don't you, like you said in Humanities? You have really gone in depth of the characters, and who they remind you of and why. And also the fact that you have included the proper quotations from the book, it shows what a good student you are! I can't wait to see your dinner party :)

  2. This blog is really good. This shows how you should about a book. Job well done.

  3. AWESOME BLOG POST HANNAH!!! This is an awesome blog post! This clearly shows that you know your stuff about "To kill a mocking Bird"

  4. Wow you wrote a lot! I like how you went in depth with your writing. Good job! :D
