Title: Black Beauty
Author: Anna Sewell
Pages Read: 148/245
So, the horse got a new master, who forced more than Squire. One day, they went to pay a visit to some friends of the mistress. When they arrived, a young lady from there wanted to ride Black Beauty. She had a friend who liked to ride a horse named Lizzie. But lady Anne, preferred Black Beauty and she never rode on Lizzie. Then, one day, lady Anne decided to try riding on Lizzie. That was a big mistake. All of a sudden Lizzie started galloping full speed. Anne got scared but managed to stay on the horse. One of the males mounted Beauty and tried to stop Lizzie. They succeeded. Anne suffered a little shock but she was not injured. She never rode again though.
Soon, the master and his family had to leave for a while. They hired a man named Reuben Smith to take care of Beauty. Reuben was not so good.He drank a lot. One night Reuben Smith went to pay a visit to his friends. He got drunk. When they started home it was already late and dark. Reuben ordered Beauty to go fast on some uneasy road. Beauty suffered a lot until she toppled over. Beauty was badly injured. Reuben was dead. It took some time till a horse appeared to save Beauty. Luckily, the people recognized Reuben so they helped Beauty.
When they returned, a doctor came to check Beauty. She was badly injured. She had to go on a meadow and stay there for couple of weeks, alone. But, a couple of days later Ginger, her good friend joins her. She too was injured. Now Beauty was happy again. After some time passed, master came to check on Beauty and Ginger. He decided that they can keep Ginger but Beauty has to be sold. A man in a place called Bath took her.
When she came there she was a work horse. The master had a groom named Flitcher who often worked with his young son. They were in charge of bringing food to Beauty. One day Beauty noticed that she was getting less food. She wondered what was going on. The master also noticed that this was happening so he asked Flitcher about that. Flitcher said he doesn't know. But then, one day a few policemen came to inspect the place and asked Flitcher's son to show him where the food for the horse was stored. With some hesitation he did and the policeman saw Flitcher stealing horse food. They both got sentenced in jail.
Instead of Flitcher, a man called Alfred Smirk was the new groom. He was a tall, handsome man but was a humbug. He didn't put much effort in his work. He loved Beauty but he didn't take care of her. Most of the time he spent on his looks. He fixed his hair,whiskers and tie in front of a little mirror he carries around. He also gave her bad food. Her legs began to take bad shape.The master noticed this and asked Alfred if he knows what is going on. He said he doesn't, and that he exercises Beauty every day. The truth is, he never took her out to exercise. The master went downtown with Beauty to see what is going on. A doctor said that whoever took care of Beauty did a horrible job. The master was so disappointed at the fact that two grooms have disobeyed him, he decided that he needs to sell the horse.
#3: What do you love/appreciate about the protagonist in the novel? Who does he/she remind each of you of?
What I most appreciate most about the main character is the way she always tries her best under all circumstances. My mom appreciates her loyalty toward her masters and toward good people. The main character reminds me of an adopted person. They go from master to master and listen to them and become part of the family. My mom thinks that Beauty is the same as our dog. She appreciates her masters (us) and obeys us whenever we are good to her.
It sounds like an interesting book. I really like the title but i think you should add a picture of the book. The names that they give the horses are pretty interesting.