Monday, February 4, 2013

blog post 3 Catch 22 Luka Brown

Title: Catch 22
Author: Joseph Heller
"For dinner that night Milo served him broiled Maine lobster with excellent Roquefort salad and two frozen eclairs. Major Major was annoyed". This shows that Major Major got mad at Milo because he was treating him like royalty just because he was a Major (Major Major Major, lol) He was also treated like this because nobody liked him and when he has that sort of food it just reminds him of that.

The storyline to the book is all topsy turvy. From what I could understand it is about a group of insane generals you just tell about their time in the war. It continues with everybody hating Major Major and him not wanting to talk to anybody. Also a new mission comes up that nobody wants to go on. Captain black also makes everybody sign a loyalty oath. Nothing much has happened but this book is still amazing.

Yossarien reminds me of my dad because he is insane while he is sane. Yossarien hates being in the war but he just can’t leave the war. It is the same as my dad because in Beirut he had to work but my mum forced him too and no matter what he cant leave.    


  1. I like how you used the wording of insane while he is sane thats some good writing luka! And normally I wouldnt lean torwards this type of novel but it sounds intersting I like the idea of people gathering together and sharing their old storys.

  2. I know who mousepie is! x-D Nice name!
    If I am getting it his name Major Major...or Major Major Major...or Major? :-P This sounds a bit like a difficult book, I don't know if I would want to read a book which talks about "insane" majors talking about war. It's funny how your mum is forcing your dad to work where she wants him to.
