Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog Post 3: Wuthering Hrights

This week my mum and I almost finished the book and we discussed the protagonist and who he reminds us of and why! 

Protagonist: Heathcliff
Brontë twisted the nineteenth century male hero/love interest convention with Heathcliff, who is both a lover and a hater. He is without a doubt the protagonist, but he works very hard at being an anti-hero. He enters the story as a mystery and we never really learn much about his character, and nothing about his past. We do know that he is super intense, moody, dramatic, vengeful, violent, and loyal. But who is he? Throughout the course of the novel he is labeled a gypsy, imp, ghoul, and even a vampire. But try as we might, we cannot entirely dislike Heathcliff. After all, he grew up being treated like dirt. His undying  love for Catherine reveals his humanity and helps earn our sympathy. When he dies, we hope he will reunite with Catherine and get some well-earned rest.

Who Does He Remind Us Of? 
I don't think it reminds me of anyone really. I could try and connect him to Edward Cullen from Twilight because of the undying love for the girl but Edward is not violent or does not share any common characteristics  with the protagonist of this novel. So we couldn't really find anyone that reminds us of him more than the vampire.


  1. I like the way you described the protagonsist, especially the way you related him to a vampire. It gives me a better picture when you included an image, great job!

  2. I really like how you explained the protagonist, and I really like the way you explained the character. One thing I really like about the character is that he is a lover and a hater, it makes him interesting. :)
