Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Classic Blog Post #5 To Kill a Mockingbird

Title: To Kill a Mockingbird              
Author: Harper Lee
Genere: Classic
Number of Pages: 309
Pages Read So Far: 150

After Dill's escape, Atticus works on his case and prepares for the trial of Tom Robinson. That Tom Robinson is accused of raping of Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell's daughter. In Maycomb, Ewells are considered as low class people and they barley wash themselves so they smell. Jem and Scout are worried because some town people are mad at Atticus for defending a black man. Scout thinks someone will try to kill Atticus, like Ku Klux Klan, also known as KKK. But, Atticus comforts his kids that people in Maycomb are not that crazy like KKK. At the trial day of Tom Robinson, very many people comes in for the trial. Jem and Scout sneaks into the courtroom and takes a seat where black people sits. As the trial starts, kids witness their father being sweaty and shouting for the first time. Atticus does the best that he can do but despite his effort, Tom Robinson was found guilty. Few days after the trial, Atticus was threatend by Mr. Ewell, who swore to get rid of Atticus. And kids think that the trial was unfair for Mr. Robinson."'That's what I thought, too,' he said at last, 'when I was your age. If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I'm beginning to understand something. I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time. . . it's because he wants to stay inside.'
Their aunt, Alexandra held some kind of lady's meeting in their house, and Scout was forced to attend the meeting to be a "lady". During the meeting, Atticus came with a shocking news. That Tom Robinson got shot when he was trying to escape. After the death of Tom Robinson, everything moved on. On Halloween night, when they were having a play and Scout was a ham. After the play, when Jem and Scout was on their way to their home, someone attacked them and broke Jem's arm. Suddenly, mysterious man fell and they ran away. The doctor came and he anesthetized Jem and he fell asleep. Luckily, only his arm was broken and he was in perfect condition. Town sheriff, Heck came with a news, that he found Mr. Ewell dead. He said that Mr. Ewell was stabbed by a kitchen knife. Heck thinks Mr. Ewell accidently  stabbed himself. Heck goes back to his office. Atticus knows that he did not stab himself. it was Boo Radley who helped the kids. Atticus thanks Aurthur and Scout "escorts" Aurthur back to his home.

#5 How would you describe the author's use of language in this novel? Do you each enjoy how it is used? Explain? Have you learned a new vocabulary word while reading this novel?

I have to say, that Lee writes with certain style. If we take a look at the dialog, you feel like you are right there witnessing what is going on. He is also very descriptive, and informative at the same time. So I asked for my mom's opinion, and she said its written kind of poetically? So the style is very beautiful and enjoyable. I learned lots of new vocabulary words while I was reading this book because this book was such a classic. For example, 'quivers' which means like to shiver or shake.


  1. your blog post is very clear, with several quotes, which is really cool because you wrote the quotes in different colors which highlights them. I can clearly see your heading, what your mum thinks about the book, and you have a picture.

  2. My books also has lots and lots of words that i never new existed, and my mom also says that he writes in a poetic way. Other than that your blog post is clear and easy to follow.

  3. This blog shows all the qualities that makes it a good blog post. The picture is really nice and this blog shows how you and your mum have enjoyed the book.

  4. This is a really really good blog post, it is really clear and great to follow :) Seems like a really good book to read, and I can't wait to read it next year. Keep your blog posts this amazing, I mean you have everything we need to have and you have explained your book clearly. Really great job!
