Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moby Dick Week 4

Moby-Dick; or, the Whale
Herman Melville

It was a long ride to the island were the entire whale hunting boats go to fish. There were many people that liked him much more now and saw he was a hero. When we came on the island we first tried to find a hotel to stay at until the voyage. The food was nice and it was much better than the one before. We took a small rest and started talking about which ship we should join. I tried to convince him that he should pick the ship since he knows which ones would be good and he has more experience. He didn’t want to budge from his decision. He wanted me to pick the ship because of some tradition he had. I did after all go and try to find the ship because of the tradition he had. I found one boat that looked good and went to sign up on it. The person that was standing there at first tried to scare me away by describing the captain but I don’t get sacred easily. He said that he lost one of his legs when he was whaling. I didn’t care and anyway signed up. Then we saw a person outside he looked like he had no job, he was in tattered clothes and said that I shouldn’t have signed the paper. I asked why but he didn’t answer.  Then we went on the ship and started to prepare for the voyage since it was going to be a long one. He was impressed by my friend since he had so much experience and was honored to work with him.

Whats the theme of the book?
My mom thought the theme of the book was the extent of whaling. Sometime ago there was a vast amount of whaling everywhere which was a big problem.
I thought the theme was though choices because what ever happens there is always a hard choice to make which some obstacals.

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