Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars 3

Title: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Genre: Young Adult Novel
Number of Pages Read: 276/476
In this section of the book, Hazel asks her doctor, Dr. Maria, if she could go to Amsterdam but she says that Hazel can't go unless accompanied by an adult who is familiar with her case. Finally her mother agreed to go with her and starts preparing for the trip. Later that day, Hazel searches up Augustus’s former girlfriend, Caroline Mathers, who died a year ago from brain cancer, and reading thousands of posts from her friends and family saying they how much they missed her, made her feel really upset. Hazel compares herself to a grenade that is just going to blow up at one point, and leave her friends and family wounded. Soon after Hazel is back to the hospital because she has pain in her brain, and her parents are really worried, however the pain was caused by the lack of oxygen. After this, Hazel’s doctors do not think that it is a good idea for Hazel to go to Amsterdam in case she gets sick there. However she still hasn’t informed Peter van Houten (the author of An Imperial Affliction) that she won’t be able to go on the trip but her mom surprises her with the news that Dr. Maria called last night and decided to let Hazel go on the trip. The day before they set out to Amsterdam Hazel visits the support group again, and finds out that a 12 year old leukemic boy called Michael passed away, but that everyone else is still there. Next, morning Hazel, her mom and Augustus set out for Amsterdam but at the airport all the people stared Hazel and Augustus because they knew that they were different.

Response: I really enjoy reading this book because even though it is sad, it shows what life really is like and that people don’t always get what they want in their lives. My reading did fulfill my expectations because it was very interesting and I couldn't put the book down. Also, I like how the author created tension because he made Hazel get sick but then quickly recover and still go to Amsterdam. I think that in my further reading I will find out what happens during Hazel’s visit to Amsterdam, and whether she will get to meet Peter van Houten. I am very satisfied with this book so far, because it is different from other books I read, because it shows the world from the point of view from a girl who was cancer and I find that very interesting.

Quote: “The world is not a wish-granting factory.”

This quote means that not everyone in the world gets what they want. Hazel says this when she is telling Augustus, on the plane, that you can’t just wish something for it to happen.  As a reader this quote make me feel sad because it makes me think that the wish of one of the characters will not come true, or that something sad will happen later in the story.

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