Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blog Post #6: White Ghost Girls

White Ghost Girls
Author: Alice Greenway
Genre: Young Adult Fiction: Multicultural
Pages: 167/167 (100kindle)

Summary: In the last chapters of the book, Kate and Frankie's mom gets ready for Frankie's to go to Boarding School. When they are ready they go to the pier where they wait for their father to arrive so he can take Frankie to her flight. The two daughters, their mom, Ah Bing and Ah Wong are sitting on the pier, having a picnic. When Frankie sees her father she starts jumping up and down and waving her arms. Her father waves back. Frankie is hogging her father's attention from her mother and sister. When he is close, Frankie yells: "Save me Daddy. Catch me. Take me with you." Of course the boat is too far, and yet too close. Too far for Frankie to land on it, but close enough for her to hit it. She jumps, her father tries to back the boat, her mother screams, and Frankie hits the boat hard. She is bleeding from her head. He tries CPR, but this just pumps more blood out... Frankie is lost. Their father is crying, swearing he can do nothing to save her. Her mother pulls Frankie's body close to her, cradles her. Now no one is trying to save her. They know all is lost.

Did what you expected to happen last time happen?
Yes. Frankie killed herself by accident and I thought something like that would happen and it did.

What do you think about what you have read?                                         In the last chapter I think that Frankie has gone too far. She causes so much pain to her family, she practically betrays it. Kate, who throughout the book tries to take care of her, keep her secrets, cannot help her sister anymore. When Frankie jumps to her death, Kate cannot make a sound. She cannot warn her. She is mute. Finally, I think this is a tragic story and this is all because of Frankie.

Passage Section:

"I want my father home. I want him to take care of Frankie, to make her happy. To make my mother stop worrying. I want him to make it all right for Frankie to go to boarding school, or to maybe let her stay. To make her stop punishing us,hurting herself. I will give Frankie to him. I will tell him I can't look after her anymore." This quote is very strong because it proves what a rebel, troublemaker Frankie is. It tells us how unruly she is. This quote, to me, explains why Frankie dies.
"Then without warning, without looking back, Frankie jumps. She leaps off the railing, jumps into the air. I don't know whether she means to or weather she's just so carried away she can't stop herself. She must get to him first. Make him love her most." This is who Frankie is. She wants all the attention she can get. She wants to take her father away. She wants to be the one he loves the most. This is what gets Frankie killed. 

1 comment:

  1. your blog post is very well written, but i really like the passage section the most. Good job!
