Sunday, October 13, 2013

Seekers, The Great Bear Lake post #3 

Author: Erin Hunter
Pages Read: 300/300
Genre: Fantasy, adventure


Toklo is scared to swim to Paw Print island because he thinks his mom Oka and his brother Tobi will kill him. Tobi died in the previous book because he didn't have enough food and he wasn't brave enough to survive. Toklo's mom Oka abounded him near the river where they were catching fish because a bear attacked Toklo, and she thought that she is not responsible enough and she left him. She got caught by flat-faces and they put her in the zoo. She unfortunately died and joined Tobi being the bear spirit. When Toklo started swimming, he expected death, but instead his mom and his brother helped him. They were happy to talk to him again. Now he knew the truth. His mom still loves him. Shoketa, the evil bear jumps in into the water and tries to kill Toklo. Toklo didn't know that a bear is coming to kill him. Luckily his mom warns him that Shoketa is coming. He is surprised and speechless, but his mom, even though she left him alone in the woods, helps him bypass any difficulties with Shoketa. He finally reaches the island and he is grateful to his mother.
Taqqiq, Kallik's brother changed. His friends changed him in the negative way. They taught him greedy and unfair things. Kallik lost Taqqiq when she was little cub. Ice was melting and Kallik, Nisa, her mother, and Taqqiq needed to cross from one ice chunk to another. When Nisa was helping Kallik, the big orca, the whale, passed and  ate Nisa in one bite. Now Taqqiq was on one ice chunk and Kallik on another. They separated and Kallik started searching for her brother. And finally she found him, but he changed. Taqqiq was mean to her, and his friends and him tried to prove that they are stronger that black bears. Somehow they found their gathering place and kidnapped little black bear called Miki. Black bears were surprised and did  no know what to do, so they did absolutely nothing. 

Response Section

I really enjoy reading this book. I really liked that Tobi forgave Toklo and Toklo forgave his mother, Oka. Good thing is that Shoketa didn't get any chance to get near Toklo and try to murder him and that happened because of his mother. Only thing I don't like about this part of the book is that Taqqiq changed. I expected him to be different, but in good way. I thought he would help Kallik, not try to ignore her, but I hope he will change throughout the book. My recent reading has fulfilled my expectations. Book really knows how to surprise the reader. It is not boring and it is not when you know what is going to happen next. Anything can happen and I can't wait to see what happens. I think Taqqiq is going to do something in the book that will change whole meaning of the book. I also think that all of the characters will connect and continue their journey together.
I am really satisfied of what I read in this part of the book. Plot is clicking perfectly in each spot and everything is going according to plan. 

Passage Section

"No," Kallik begged. "Taqqiq, please stay with me. It was much better on the ice, when we helped each other. Remember ow you said you'd protect me in the sea, when Nisa first said we have to swim" 
Kallik told him that when he was going to kidnap Miki. He gazed at her for a long time and  said that that was than, ant it was on the ice. Bears have to do everything there is to do to survive. She was disappointed. She was wondering why did she even look for her brother when he was acting like this. She just wanted to perish 

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