Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The man behind the microchip Luka Brown

Name: The Man behind the Microchip
Author: Leslie Berlin
Pages read: 309 pgs
The integrated circuit had been developed by Jack kilby but overall Robert Noyce came out victorious. Robert Noyce had been thinking about a device for a while in his notes but when Jack Kilby announced his design Noyce got his device in full swing. Overall Robert’s device was superior in every way. It was easy to produce. It had a better processing system and was able to work more efficiently. Soon arguments started to emerge between Texas instruments and Fairchild semiconductors because Robert had gotten the same awards and a bigger honor yet Jack Kilby was the first person to release this design. They said that Robert Noyce merely made the great design even better.
As I prepare for HS I need to focus more on my assessments and less on my personnel life like playing video games and relaxing. I also have to organize my work more because I have had times where I would do the work but I would never find it again.
Robert Noyce was a family man. He was kind and strict to his family. Whenever his child was being inappropriate he would get straight to the point. Even at work he was kind and loyal to his family. He would never lose his cool.
Whenever Robert had an issue when he was young he would go to his brothers for help. As time passed he got help from a guy who was the same person that helped Steve Jobs become great. Probably the person who impacted him the most was this crazy cult guy who was the leader of a motorbike club . Robert’s daughter was getting married to that guy and Robert wanted to stop her because he didn’t want his daughter to have a bad husband. When he went to go visit them they got into a huge fight which ended when the guy said “At least I spend time with her”. This comment just made his life turn upside down. After that he had a total mind blow. This was probably the main reason for his death.        


  1. A very interesting life path of your figure,plus, a good summary, explains a lot.

  2. He looks likes he had a very interesting life past, your blog post is very organized too! :)

  3. Really interesting blog post.I like how you organized it and I love the summery.
