Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog Posts for Quarter 4: Living History Museum Rotation 4

Title: 글로벌 성공시대-Age of Global Success
Author: KBS Documentary 
Total Pages: 1 episode
Total Pages Read: 1 episode

Ban Ki-moon at US with president John F. Kennedy 

This video starts with Mr. Ban's journey to the Balkans. He was the first United Nations Secretary General to visit the Balkans. He visited Kosovo and talked with leaders of different religions and discussed about peace and understanding between religions. After minutes of description about his work at United Nations, they talks about his young age. He was born in small town in Japanese occupied Korea. When he was about 6 years old, Korean War broke out and he had to flee to remote mountainside to his cousins. After the war, he was passionate about learning, and he was the best student in the town. When he was in high school, he won a essay contest held by Red Cross, and he earned his opportunity to visit US, and meet with President John F. Kennedy. He was really good at English. He continued learning when there was no school and they had to study in shacks. This documentary was really inspirational and now, he is a role model to many young peoples around the world. He works hard for world peace for international community.

1. As I prepare to enter HS, how can I live my own life in a better way to fulfill the life goals I have for myself?
Before I start talking about my entrance to HS, I'll first talk about my life goals. I will try my best to get perfect marks for every subjects. After my graduation, I will apply for South Korea's Air Force Academy. After I serve in the air force, I will leave the army and apply for South Korea's airlines and become a airline pilot. To succeed with my goals, I will try to focus on my schoolwork and get good marks. I'm sometimes really lazy and doesn't get any work done and I'll try to fix that.
2.What is one MORE unique thing you have discovered about your figure?
While I was reading one of the books about Ban Ki-moon, I read that when he was in elementary, Russia invaded Hungary when they were shouting for freedom from communist rule. Young Ban felt sympathy for Hungarian people because he thought the situation is similar to Korea when Korea was occupied by Japan. So he sent a petition to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld but it is unclear if it was sent or not. Also, he wrote a speech about suffering Hungarian people and spoke in front of the whole school.
3.Describe your figure's mentors and special trainings?
He did not have any significant mentors. But he had someone that was inspirational to him. Like President John F. Kennedy. He met him during his visit to US and decided to become a diplomat. For his special training  when he became UN Secretary General, he realized that everyone is using French words and phrases. So he feared that it was going to be a disadvantages for him and he took French lessons, and French ambassador for UN said that he never saw anyone that learned French this fast.


  1. Good research very detailed, the links at the bottom help a lot, a very interesting figure.

  2. Its good how you watched a video about your figure and i liked how you wrote about when he came to the Balkans and Kosovo. The links at the bottom were helpful and i never knew you want to be a pilot.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Inho this post was really awesome!! That korean writing at the start really caught my eye :P You had great sources really interesting

  5. I think it is great how you already know what you are going to do and how you are going to be a pilot. I wish I had my life planned out but I dont. Great post :)
