Monday, May 27, 2013

Helen Keller: Blog Post 6

Title: The Miracle Worker
Pages: None it is a movie
Genra: Biography

1.      Persuade us to consider your figure as the “greatest” human being who ever lived.  Give is 3 reasons with evidence. Use persuasive language.

Helen Keller was a strong, innovative, intelligent, courageous, determined human being who served as an inspiration to a lot of people. Helen Keller helped raise enough money to build schools to educate deaf, blind, and mute students. She wrote books to tell blind, deaf, and mute people that they are just ordinary people. She wrote books to tell people not to tease or hurt people who had disabilities because they were not any different from them. Helen made sign language better and easier to understand by re-doing it using her own ideas. If it weren't for Helen Keller, deaf and blind students wouldn't have as much education as they do today. Helen's life was so different from others but she accomplished so much.

Summary of Helen Keller The Miracle Worker Movie  
When Helen Keller was a young child, she contracted a high fever that left her sightless and unable to hear. Being the parents of a non-seeing and non-hearing child was a hardship on two loving parents who did all they could but seemed to do it in the wrong way. Out of desperation, they hired a young educator, Anne Sullivan, to teach and train the young Helen. Much to the parent's dismay, Sullivan was a strict and firm disciplinarian with the young, spoiled Keller girl. Sullivan and Helen Keller moved into a house not far down the lane from the main Keller house. There they began to develop a trust and relationship of love and respect for each other. This soon turned into an atmosphere that was ripe for learning without the interference of the Keller parents. Once Helen Keller began to put meaning with the finger spelling that she was doing, she began to learn many words at a rapid rate. Her world began to open and she was able to complete her education and continue advanced training at the university.

Patty Duke and Anne Bancroft in The Miracle Worker

1 comment:

  1. I will be really interested in seeing how you will pull of such an amazing person, even though you are amazing yourself
