Monday, September 3, 2012

the beasties

Title: the beasties
Author: William Sleator
Pages: 198
Genre: Horror
Pages read in total: 53

It does not say where in the world it happens, but it could be somewhere in the middle of U.S.A. It could take place now or ten years ago. The main characters are Doug and Colette. 
Doug will not believe Al and his stories about the Beasties that lives in the Northern woods. Doug and his family is just about to travel to the Northern woods. Doug is a bit scared, but he did not want to believe that the Beasties actually exist. 15 years old Doug and his 10 years old sister Colette discovers a secret door hidden in the grass, ten meters away from their house in the Northern woods. They open the door and they both jump into the hole underneath. As they walk through small tunnels, Colette hits a metal piece that locks the door. The only way out is to go forward through the tunnels.
Pretty much everything I have read up till now was really exiting and I am not the kind of person that reads a lot, but this book is one those where I can't stop.
I will rate this book a thumbs up, because it really catch my attention and I'm sure that many other people would like it too.


  1. This sounds like and interesting book. I would be scared if I were in Doug's shoes. But, who are the Besties

  2. This must be an intense book. But I am still kind of confused about the plot.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This book seems quite good. I feel bad for Doug, oh and also like Abbey who are the Besties?

  5. It sounds good. I really like that you are not sure about the time just like in Hunger Games that I read, and I agree with Abby. Who are the Besties? Maybe you will find out later ;)
