Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hunger Games Week 3-By Sofia

This weeks reading was the best yet! Katniss and Peeta along with the many other tributes began their life sentencing Hunger Games. All the tributes stood on their pedestals waiting for the gong to retrieve their supplies and then dash away to save their lives. Many were killed during this part but luckily Katniss and Peeta got away. Katniss was only able to scavage a back pack with crackers, dried meat, a sleeping bag and some wire. not to bad but she has to be careful because the careers are definitely after her with all their weapons. One of the careers during her get away threw a knife at her and got stuck in her backpack. So she had that. Only later in the night did the careers kill the person not to far from her. As they walked under the tree that she slept she could see them all. But the canon to signal didn't go off for the person that they killed so a voice said that he would go back and check. Katniss recognized and realized it was peeta. Katniss felt very angry, betrayed but she did consider that it was his only chance surviving. I think that Katniss is over exaggerating, I think that peeta has a plan. I don't know what it is but he is smart so he'll figure it out.

Peeta isn't mentioned very much but Katniss s pretty much the whole story. She goes hard times easier times. He used wires to snare a rabbit and had a nice feast. But for 48 hours she had no water. She suffered from severe dehydration. But she did eventually find a pond where she rested and slept in a tree near by. but woke up the next morning to a huge fire obviously made by the Game makers(the people who make the games, put animals to kill in the games, kill people with natural diasters or with ferocious animals)  to make the game more exciting for the audience. Savages. She was severely injured with a large burn.

This is where my chapter ended leaving me with suspense which i love to do. Of course until the next day.


  1. That part of the book is awsome! Well really the whole book is awsome!The fire part is cool! But it would be scary waking up and then seeing burning fire everywhere!

  2. I read this book as well and this part if the book is very exiting. However the entire book keeps your attention.

  3. This book looks awesome! I bet its really fun to read.It really does grab your attention.
