Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Title: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Genre: A Classic

Right now in the book the boys are on an island, but before earlier on in the book some incident happens and it seems like it is very important so I will tell you what happens! So Tom and Huckleberry Fin are in the graveyard. But both of them are a little scared because they think evil spirits will get them. So they start talking when all of a sudden Tom can hear these noises he points them out to Huck and Huck thinks it is the evil spirits coming. The two boys cling to each other hiding behind a rock all up in a shiver. ( Huck uses the word shiver but in the meaning of being scared.) Then they see a lantern and three figures, and Huck thinks its evil spirits. But then all of a sudden Huck realizes the figures are humans. They can recognize two of the voices it is Muff Potter's, Injun Joe's, and Dr. Robinson. The men can to a grave and started to dig into it, When they dug to the coffin the prided it open with a shovel, they take out the body and dump it on the floor the men then start to talk about paying money, the doctor and Potter start to fight, in the meantime Injun Joe got a nife and struck Potter in the chest with it. They robbed the body and left. And a quote from the book:

"Two or three minutes later the murdered man, the blanketed corpse, the lidless coffin and the open grave were under no inspection but the moon's. The stillness was complete again, too."

Then  Tom and Huck swear the will never tell and write down this, " Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swears they will keep mum about this and they may drop dead in their tracks if they ever tell and rot."
(Mum in this meaning is secret)

So this book is really interesting to read so far and also its fun finding out old words that they used back then like mum and lick its funny!

I recomend this book for someone who likes adventurous books, and who just wants to read something interesting. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an amazing book! 


  1. I read this book in 5th grade and I thought it was pretty cool, hope you like it!

  2. I read this book in 5th grade and I thought it was pretty cool, hope you like it!
