Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alex Rider: Skeleton Key

Title: Alex Rider: Skeleton Key          
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Genre: Action-Adventure

Story so far

Alex found out something was suspicious and Chinese gang were putting drugs in the water dispenser. After the mission in Wimbledon, Crawely got another mission for Alex related to this plot. He told Alex 
old Russian General Alexei Sarov had something going suspicious in his majestic mansion in Skeleton Key in Cuba. He is going for his mission with the American CIA, disguised as a family going for a vacation in Skeleton Key. Also, the CIA were investigating on the "Salesman". He is a drug dealer which was selling uranium to general. CIA wanted to get him, but one of the agents got caught by the Salesman. Alex rescued the agent and escaped, but the boat that they were on exploded because of some other reason. 
They entered Skeleton Key, despite the danger of passing the passport control. Alex was with his Gameboy that CIA gave him to keep him quite in the plane and making him looks like normal American teenager, and he wondered if this Gameboy is a special gadget like one made for him back in the "Stormbreaker". And he found out that the Gameboy was a radioactive material detector. He knew they were hiding something from him. 

Quote from the book

"Forget it! I'm going back to London. And if your Mr. Bryne asks why, you can tell him I didn't liked the jelly so I went home to get some jam"

Two CIA agents didn't liked Alex for the first time, because they thought Alex was just a kid. They thought he couldn't join the team because his cover was an American kid but he was British.


  1. Wow!! sounds like a great book. Ive read some of the authors other books and loved em. Good choice

  2. That book looks like it is very interesting. I really like those types of books. Can't wait to see what you write next week!

  3. I love books like that with all that actions but i read most of them so im trying to find more and i think i might read this one
