Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Moon Week 3

Book: New Moon
Pages Read: 100

So far, for me this week was the best for reading. In the book, Jacob is still gone missing, and isn't answering to Bella's calls. Charlie seems to blame everything on Jabob's disappearance. Bella has become desperate again, but now both Jacob and Edward are missing. She is still emailing Alice, but her fake email, because she doesn't have her new email. Victoria, the vampire that is chasing Bella, because Edward killed her boyfriend, and Bella was Edwards girlfriend, she thinks its fair that she kills her. But ever since Jacob is also missing, so is Victoria, the vampire. She is still getting visions of Edward. She jumped off a cliff, probably trying to commit suicide. When she was drowning, she saw Edward next to her, but it was only an illusion. Suddenly, a hand grabs her, and pulls her up. It was Jacob. He saved her. After a while Alice, comes to visit because she had a vision about her dying. She said that Edward said that he thinks he is the reason she died, and he wants to kill himself

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