Thursday, September 27, 2012

Alex's Blog Post Week 3

Title: The Left Hand of Darkness
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Pages Read: 86
Genre: Science Fiction

So far, Genly tried to get the King of Gethen to join the Alliance of Ekumen. After the King got stubborn and  confused (by him/herself), he declined the offer saying that Gethen was alright the way it was and all other species are perverted because they only have one gender; so he/her wanted no part of it. Walking away from a failure, Genly decides to explore the rest of Gethen. He goes to a monastery and asks how long he has to live at the cost of another life. Since he asked the question wrong, he found out he was going to live longer that the person sacrificed for the daft question. Walking away from that, he goes around being a bit of a missionary and telling others of the world beyond the "Void" (Space).

I think that Genly will soon die. I know it's a bit sudden of me to just say so, but there are some dangerous factors around him. One, he is an alien on an alien planet who think he's a pervert for having one permanent gender. Second, it's freezing on Gethen; it's -30 degrees Celsius on a warm day. Humans generally don't like cold. Third, he is surrounded by shifty looking people who have a slight grudge for things he's unknowingly done. Either way, if he does survive, all he knows of Ekumen will be different since travelling space is travelling time, and so by the time he gets back it will be hundreds of thousands of years time difference.

Not looking too good.

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