Title: Young Samurai The Ring of Water
Author: Chris Bradford
Genre: Children's Fiction
The book I am reading is called Young Samurai The Ring of Water and the main character is Jack Fletcher. It's Autumn 1614 and Jack Fletcher wakes up roadside in wrapped only in a dirty kimono.He has lost everything, including his memory of what happened. To discover what happened Jack goes on a quest to retrieve his belongings like his precious sword, his friend Akiko's black pearl and most important of all, his father's prize possession. He relies on his samurai and ninja training and for him the key to survival is The Ring of Water. Ronin a masterless samurai is going to help him.
Author: Chris Bradford
Genre: Children's Fiction
The book I am reading is called Young Samurai The Ring of Water and the main character is Jack Fletcher. It's Autumn 1614 and Jack Fletcher wakes up roadside in wrapped only in a dirty kimono.He has lost everything, including his memory of what happened. To discover what happened Jack goes on a quest to retrieve his belongings like his precious sword, his friend Akiko's black pearl and most important of all, his father's prize possession. He relies on his samurai and ninja training and for him the key to survival is The Ring of Water. Ronin a masterless samurai is going to help him.
Sounds like a great book. Liked that you put what he's looking for gives the commenters a chance to hear what the book is about.