Monday, October 3, 2011

ORR 4: NBA article: Next 48 hours will determine fate of NBA's future

Right now, as any, and every NBA fan should know, there is a lockout in the NBA. Now reading the title one might think that this lockout might cancel the whole NBA franchise. No people we're fine... But what is going on in the lockout now is that the players and the owners are debating how much percent of the team's earnings and money will go to the players, and right now it is at 57% for the players. The players have stated they are willing to bring it down to 54% and negotiate for a bit lower, but so far the coaches said they want it at 46% for the players. all these percentages are confusing, i know. What the percents mean is how much money goes to the players, and how much goes for the rest of the things. All this information is supposed to be kept super secret, but in the end there is always that person who tells everything to the news reporters, and the interviews. Now what does all this have to do with the fate of the NBA's future? Well, in the next 48 hours, the players and coaches must end the deal, or season games will start to be cancelled. Why does the cancellation of season games affect the NBA's future? Well, if season games start to cancel, more fans will get more and more frustrated, and move on to watching other popular sports such as American Football, or even Baseball. That means less and less people buying tickets for games, buying jerseys of the players, and just less income.
What do i think of all this mess? Well, saying it in a polite manner, i think the owners should stop being so greedy. I mean the players offered to drop their incomes from 57% to 54%, but the owners are just wasting everybody's time and being greedy by saying they want the players to drop it another 8%! So i think they need to close off the deal with the lowest offer the players will propose, which in my opinion will not be lower than 51%.
All in all, I hope the NBA lockout will not continue and cause the cancellation of season games which are supposed to start at the 1st of November, for the sake of the players, of the owners, but most of all I hope the NBA lockout will not continue.

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