Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Forever War

Title: The Forever War
Author: Joe Haldeman
Genre: Sci-Fi

So far in the story they have been attacked by the Taurtans again this time with a highly reactive bomb the size of a small pebble that had just blown up one third of the ship and there infantry and all there battle suits. So they return to the headquarters after fighting for 2 years in space and they get given a choice to stay and get a bigger pay or train new requites or to go home pretty much all of them go home but they find out while they have been in space there has been a war called the "Ration War" were there were to many people so they started to kill all the wealthy people so that the rich people wouldn't buy up all the food after awhile half of the population had been killed so they decied to change so that everyone had they same curency and you were olnly alowed so much calsories if you went over that amount you would not be able to eat till next month they wouldn't even have water. When Sergent Mandela comes home to live with his mom when he first see's here she was a massive bodyguard and everyone was a gun so the next day he goes and buys a western style six shot pistol that shot out a spray of needle like bullets so that you would never miss your target. Then he leaves to go of with his girlfriend and they go on a nice cruise over the ocean to London because they were given all this money from the government.    

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