Sunday, April 22, 2012


Title: Joan of Arc, A Military Leader

Author: Kelly Devries 

Pages: 189

1) Discuss the biography/autobiography so far:
    How is it organized? explain.
    Is the writing challenging? explain.
2) What is one unique thing (so far) about your chosen human being for the Living History?  Explain it in detail.\

For the Living Histories project, I chose to do Joan of Arc. I’m currently reading the book “Joan of Arc” by Kelly Devries. At the beginning of the book, there is a list of illustrations and maps, chronology, and acknowledgements. The book begins with an introduction where the author explains his need to write another book about Joan of Arc. The second chapter explains why Joan of Arc was needed. The third chapter sets the question of a military mission and the fourth one is named “Relieving the Siege of Orleans.” The writing is challenging because it is based on many historical sources and there is a variety of interesting photographs and illustrations. Joan of Arc was unique because she was a significant person. In the middle ages, women rarely took part in political and military affairs- she was one of a kind. Even today there are many controversies about her extraordinary life and horrible death. She was a woman who played an important role in the world of men.

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