Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nikola Tesla, A Spark of Genious

Author: Carol Dommermuth-Costa

Gener: Biography

Pages: 141

Nikola Tesla the inventor I admire. He managed to improve electricity, He did not want people
to pay electricity while Tomas Edison wanted them to. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856
in Smiljan, Lika. His father, Milutin Tesla was a Serbian Orthodox Priest and his mother Djuka
Mandic was an inventor in her own line of household appliances.

Tesla's Mother and Father

The first 80 pages of the book are mostly about his childhood,and his family. He was born
at precisely midnight between July 9 and 10, in the village of Smiljian during a huge storm.
The nurse that had delivered him said "This is the child of storm" but than Tesla's father
respond "NO, This is the child of lightning". As his life went on hi lived in Smiljian Croatia with
his family. Nikola Tesla never suffered from lac of ingenious, at the age of 6 he got a unique
idea. He created a motor powered by june bugs. It was a invention made out of 2 wooden sticks
and a wooden disk attached to it on the top. Than he glued as many june bugs as he could to the
disk. When the June bugs fluted with their wings they made the disk rotate and spin. Tesla had
many more inventions such as the invention with june bugs. In 1863 Nikola Teslas older brother
Daniel was killed while riding a family horse.

When Nikola Tesla was 7 his father Milutin than decided to move the hall family to Gospic a
town near by, because the old house and Smiljian reminded the family of Daniel. Nikola Hated
Gospic...Tesla had a lot of visions in his life since he was a little kid until his death. When he
was small the visions looked so realistic that he couldn't tel a difference between real things and
imaginary things.Later on Tesla attended the Real Gymnasium.

Real Gymnasium.

June 6th Tesla arrived to the United States.

Tomas Edison highered Tesla to work. His job was to do basic electric engineering. Edison
offered Tesla 50 thousand dollars to create a generator to run his business. Tesla accepted the
offer. When he finished the work Edison didn't want to pay him off.

Tomas Edison 

This is what i read so far and personaly, i think Nikola Tesla is a great human because he
improved our electricity use today, and he is still remembered today. Many museums and
institutes are named after him. and even though he is not as well known as Thomas Eddispon, he
has still accomplished a lot...


  1. Wow Nikola! this is a very long ORR! A lot of important facts and information. Im glad that you are so passionate about learning more into Tesla's life.

  2. Nikola, You guy Nikola Tesla seems like a really interesting and influential guy, its gonna be awesome listening to what you have to say in the living history its self. Good job on the blog post, keep it up.
