Sunday, April 22, 2012

Benazir Bhutto Post

1) Discuss the biography/autobiography so far:
    How is it organized? explain.
    Is the writing challenging? explain.

The biography that I am currently reading on Benazir Bhutto is very factorial, a lot just like a fact book. When reading it, it’s not really like reading a book or story whatsoever. There is real emotions conveyed throughout it, unlike the emotion you would get from an auto-biography. The book is organized so that it is chronological order starting with her childhood and then ending at Benazir Bhutto’s death. This is something I actually like about the book. Even though there was no real emotion conveyed I did get some really good facts from the book that I will be able to use in my project.
The writing is definitely not challenging, but this is because I think the book is written in a way that can cater to all types of audiences not just a certain age group. What I mean by this is that its written not just for a college level nor just for a primary school level but one where there is enough detail to be a good source but simplified and easy enough to understand that many can read it.
2) What is one unique thing (so far) about your chosen human being for the Living History?  Explain it in detail.
One fact that I found so interesting that I even shared it with my family is the views on religion that Benazir Bhutto was raised around. With parents that came from religious groups that were not in favor of one another, her father was a Sunni and mother a Shiite, they were able to overcome these differences and still carry on and raise a family. Also when Benazir’s mother stared introducing her to the burqa, a traditional clothing item worn in the Islamic religion, that would cover her face and head, her father disagreed with out. Even it is a strong part of the religion, her father said he wanted his daughter to be really judged on who she was and what she knew and could do with that knowledge rather than what she wore.

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