Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pride and Prejudice 1

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
360 pages
Classic Novel

Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel, written by Jane Austen and first published in 1803. This book is about a girl called Elizabeth Bennet, who is the second oldest from the four Bennet sisters. She is twenty, and supposed to be attractive and intelligent. She lives in England, together with her mum, her dad and her three sisters, and they live a normal life of a middle-class family.

“A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.” In this quote, you can see a bit how Jane Austen writes her books, and how her style differs from other authors’.

I didn’t start the book yet, because they didn’t have it in the library, and we ordered it but it didn’t come yet.

Blog Question #1: I selected my mum to do this project with, because when I told her about it, she wanted to do it with me. My mum wants to practice her English, so she thought that this would be a good opportunity to do so. She gave me some interesting answers for the interview questions. She likes reading because it’s a good way to escape life around you for a bit, and she also thinks it’s a great way to learn things about other places, people, cultures, and events, without actually moving or going somewhere else. She couldn’t choose one book that she liked the most from all the books she’s read, which I totally understand, even though I’ve probably read fewer books than her. Something that surprised me a bit was that she said that books about women’s rights were really interesting. Now, this didn’t surprise me because I don’t think books like that can’t be interesting. I know that, like probably every woman, my mum cares about this subject, but I didn’t think she would read several books about this topic.          
She didn’t know a specific book that she wanted me to read, although she did suggest Jane Eyre, after I showed her the list of classics on the website. We didn’t choose this one though, since my mum already read it in school, and we both found “Pride and Prejudice” to sound interesting. I hope it is!


  1. Seems like a good book! Hope you have a good time reading it once you get it! :D

  2. Really great post. Love that you added a quote fromt he book

  3. It seems like you have a very descriptive way of writing things, which really puts yourself into the post. It makes one want to read the book.

  4. I liked how you added lots of thought and detail to your blog post! Although there is one other person that it doing this book, i'l be following you :)

  5. Hey nice post I really like your novel choice, i would know I have the same one, its supposed to be really good lets hope it is! Maybe we can even get together and discuss it once!

  6. I really enjoyed your blog post, it was very interesting, I have a collection of the Jane Austen novels. I haven't read any of them but now I am thinking of reading Pride and Prejudice! :) Awesome blog post! :) :)
