Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Corner of the Universe
  Anne M. Martin
Pages: 189
Genre: Realistic-fiction
A Corner of the Universe is a realistic-fiction novel for young adults. It has been written by Ann M. Martin who developed the plot of the book based on an event from her own life. Ann M. Martin found out that she had a disabled uncle only after he had died. This upset her because she realized that her family was ashamed of his existence.  Inspired by the idea, she wrote the book  A Corner of the Universe.
The main character, the girl, Hattie Owen, found out about her uncle’s existence when she was twelve. The reason she was never told was that her uncle, Adam, had mental disorders. He was sent away to a different school where his condition be controlled, thus hidden away from the family. After the school was  closed down he came to live with Hattie’s family. Despite the fact that everyone talked about his mental disorders, Hattie saw it differently.  She understood Adam’s infantile way of talking  and  behaviour (talking and eating fast, losing his temper easily), although he was 21, and reflected upon some of his thoughtful ideas. This way Hattie learned that there was more to life than just her home and family, more than the town she lived in. There was the world and beyond that, there was the Universe. Moreover, a corner of the Universe was hers.  Hattie liked the way he got excited, especially when she made a little surprise for him. She never realized though, that getting him too excited was dangerous. She found it unfair that her grandmother tried to keep him away from excitement or any entertainment. She was never aware that her grandmother was only trying to do the best for him. But Hattie couldn’t stand him being treated differently, and she disliked it very much when people thought him weird.  One day, Adam fell in love with a girl who did not respond to his affection but was attracted by another man. Indeed not being able to cope with his disappointment, Adam committed suicide by hanging himself. He was aware that people thought him weird, and that people treated him differently, but he never noticed how much his family loved him.
 I find it a little sad that the author chose the ending where Adam hangs himself, instead of just having a happy ending, because with such a touching story, that’s exactly what readers would have loved. I believe that the story A Corner of the Universe is for all ages. It has a strong message that leaves one thinking long after one has finished the book.  I, personally, believe that every person has a corner of his or her own.
Blog post #2: My father and I picked the Treasure Island for my book project. I didn't start reading the book yet because I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched in the library catalogue, and I am going to start reading the book as soon as possible.


  1. I agree with you Masha, the ending should have been happy. I find it interesting how you describe your point of view while reading and I really liked how you gave us a taste of all parts of the book. Good job! :)

  2. It seems like a sad but good book that is a bit about psychology
