Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catch 22 by Luka Brown

http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4579166154786926&pid=15.1Title: Catch 22
Author: Joseph Heller
Catch 22: Catch 22 is when a person is caught in a situation that no matter what they do they cannot escape. The main character, Yossarian, is caught in just this situation. He wants to leave the war and to stop flying but if you don’t do 55 missions then you have to stay. The only other way to leave is to prove that he is insane. There is only one catch though. People that go to war are considered crazy, but if you want to leave then you are considered sane. This is called Catch 22. If you don’t really understand this it’s ok because I don’t really understand it ether.
The storyline to the book is all topsy turvy. From what I could understand it is about a group of insane generals you just tell about their time in the war. It goes from Yossarian trying to leave the war to Major Major’s anti alfalfa growing fields. It talks about the tall of Hungry Joe and Lieutenant shiesskofp (not sure how to spell it) obsession for parades. This is the story of Catch 22.        
The reason why we choice this book was because of me and my dad’s similar interests. Catch-22 is one of those books that really dig deep into real life. It shows all of life stupidity and me and my dad love those kind of things. While reading those first few pages we realized that this book was a great one. My dad says that it makes him laugh at just how some stuff in life all you can do is point and laugh at because of its stupidity. What I feel about the book is quite similar to what my dad feels like. There are just some things in that book that makes you stop reading and start to giggle inside yourself.  


  1. Seems like an interesting, yet confusing book. Excellent blog post, it was very detailed!

  2. It kind of sounds like mystery, but sounds somewhat funny. It sounds extremely interesting to read and I am glad that you chose this good book. I love the books that makes me laugh.
