Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Happens on Fox Street

Title: What Happened on Fox Street

Author: Tricia Springstubb

Genre: Fiction


During Winter Break, I've been reading an everyday easy-going novel. It's about one unforgettable summer- a summer of alarming letters, mysterious errands, and surprising revelations. Mo, the protagonist, lives on Fox Street with her dad and her little 'wild- child' sister. Fox street is in the middle of the block- just like a heart is in the middle of a person. Fox Street has everything- a piano player, an old lady who puts mice in everyone's mailboxes, if that's her idea of fun, a hair salon where a woman cuts Mo's hair just right, and a cute boy who wants to teach her how to skateboard. Summers are Mo's favorite holidays because one of her best friends comes to stay at her house for a month. However, one of the most unfortunate memories she has on Fox Street is her mother. Her mother died a couple of years ago in a car accident. In the beginning she is mostly sad, but later her friend comes and she's cheered up. Her character changes a lot during the book. A lot of adventure and drama happens in the book- and I recommend it to all readers who like reading about everyday teenage books.

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