Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Day of the Triffids

Title: The Day of the Triffids
Author: Lucas Beynon Harris(Pen Name: John Wyndham)
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi

First edition hardback cover     Bill Masen has spent his entire life studying Triffids. Triffids are tall plants capable of intelligent behavior, however they are a threat to humanity as they are carnivorous and will eat anything. The book states that they were an experiment gone wrong by scientists from the USSR. Triffids have extracts more valuable and useful than vegetable, thus they are exploited by the human race. The book opens with Masen lying in a bed, his eyes having been splashed with Triffid venom. That night, mysterious comments streak across the sky, which the entire world watches. Masen awakes next morning to find eyes working again. However, as he steps in to London, anarchy ensues. The entire world has been blinded by the meteors, and unable to see, Triffids have escaped from reservations and begin to attack humans. Masen teams up with a few other sighted people and they run through the countryside and cross to the Isle of White in hope of peace. The Triffids grow in number every day, and hope of ever rebuilding civilisation gets smaller and smaller.
     The Day of the Triffids is a classic Sci-Fi novel, written in the mid 50's, a time when an apocalypse could well have happened(the Cold War was in it's prime). Terrified by the prospect, many authors began to write about what a collapse in civilisation would mean for the survivors. An absolutely amazing book, for anyone who wants an easy yet satisfying read. 7/10.

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