Sunday, January 15, 2012

FInal Impact

Final Impact
World War 2.3
John Birmingham

In this book a army of ships, planes, armor, tanks, weapons, and people have been sent back in time from the future. They have super advanced technology which is beginning to change world war 2, for the worst. Stalin developed the first atomic bomb, enemy leader know haw they are going to die and set out to change their fate, and the Japanese are stealing futuristic technology to upgrade the Zero.

I think this is a very good book. However, it is very dense and the plot is overcomplicated, for example the book is told from the views of many different characters in different places, literally and figuratively. The author also used a lot of a characters past to describe their personality. So even though I think this is a good book, I wouldn't suggest anyone to read this book unless they were suffering from cabin fever.

1 comment:

  1. David, the book seems really interesting. This book definitely soots you well. Because you love war, guns and all that stuff. In your review you should of talked more about the book. Like tell about some of the characters and their personalities. Like you said the author uses a lot of a characters past to describe their personality. Give use some examples of the people personalities.
