Friday, January 13, 2012

Time Enough for Drums

Title:  Time Enough for Drums
Author:  Ann Rinaldi

          This book takes place in America during the Revolutionary War.  The main character is a girl called Jemima.  Jemima is a very wild and un-lady-like girl whose brothers are going to fight against the British.  Her parents and her two brothers want their freedom, but other members of her family: her grandfather, sister, and aunt, are on the side of the king.  It is difficult for Jemima, because her family is friends with so many "Tories" who are the people who support the British.  Her own tutor is a Tory, and she feels that she should despise him simply because of what he believes. 
          I think that this novel portrays how it was during the Revolutionary War very well.  The anguish Jemima feels over her brothers leaving feels very real, and her anger against the British does, too.  The story has given me a greater insight into how life was like back then.  I started this book a little warily because I didn't think that the cover looked that great, so I wasn't sure the story was going to be very interesting.  So far, I'm impressed!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a really good story as well as very imformative about the war.
