Sunday, January 22, 2012



                                                                    Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Horror, Romance

Pages: 390


The novel is about determination and love, and it recounts the story of two teenage kids, Grace and Sam, who have kept a very big secret which in the beginning is adequate, but later turns into a problem where they have to deal with loss and maintainment.
Grace, a strong and practical teenage girl, keeps a yellow-eyed warewolf outside her Minnesota home. Grace has always had strange relationships with wolves, eversince she has been attacked by them as a little girl. I was shocked by her interested in one particular yellow-eyed wolf  that fascinated and intrigued her. This was the event in the book that captivated me the most. Sam, on the other hand, keeps a huge secret which I, as a reader, don't know until he tells her. In the hot summer he is a normal, thin, humanbeing with curly hair who loves to read. In the coldness of the winter, he turns into a black warewolf who belongs to the forest. By reading the book carefully, I found out that as a wolf, he years to be human, even if he knows he can't until summer. At this stage, I kept wondering what his parents thought. Did they even bother looking for him? Were they worried?
When Grace finds out his secret, she helps him and cares for him. They start off with being very close friends to being lovers. However, there has to be some kind of conflict in the book, right? As Sam and Grace get closer and closer, Sam is becoming less human each day. If Sam stays warewolf forever, they will never be seen together in public or at home, which leaves Grace to fight for him.
The title of the novel, "Shiver" is one of my top favorite titles. I believe it represents winter and the coldness- when Sam turns into a warewolf. It can also symbolize apprehension, where Grace fears for the loss of Sam if he stays a warewolf forever. I would recommend this book to everyone who likes to read about romantic drama and horror at the same time.

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