Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I just read a book called MTB. The book is about a man called, Timo Pritzel

He is a professional bike rider. He started riding when he was the age of 5, and started competing nationally when he was 15. The book he made was published recently in December. This book is for people have a great passion for bike riding. 

So the book is about he life's time experience. How he started riding, and how he practiced. Like one part of the book he talks about all the parts he uses for his bike. What brands are good like, "Scott, Drag, Shimano." In the first chapter of the book he said something that just lit me up. Made me thing, is what he saying true? The quote was, "The more you practice the better you get." This quote is absolutely correct, because i remember when i was practicing to do this one trick, which is called a fakey. The first time i did it, i failed. But after i practiced and practiced i fatally got the trick perfect. But any way the book really taught me a lot about biking, bikes and tricks and others stuff. This book is great, and its not to hard to understand. Its long 500 pages, but if you are a visual person like me your lucky because the book has pictures in it. 


  1. Hey,
    It's cool that you're reading a book about something that interests you. I liked your blog post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
