Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lord of the flies: Chapter 9

Recently in class, we are reading the classic novel by William Golding - Lord of the Flies. The book is basically about a bunch of boys that were stranded on an island, when their plane was shot down (during the Cold War). They try to govern themselves, and establish rules, but everything fails when out antagonist, Jack makes his own tribe. The boys turn into an anarchy - killing machines and fighting warriors. Some quarrels and minor mistakes, take them further away from their only hope of being rescued. They try to light up some smoke on the mountain so that ships would see them and come with help. 
In further chapters, violence overcomes hem, and leads to deaths. Currently, Simon was killed, because the boys thought that he was the beast. 

Metaphorically, the 'beast' is represeted by the evil and the bad doings of the boys. They hallucinate and think that there is an actual monster somewhere on the island, but trully its just them being that evil, and violent. I recommend this book to young adults and high school students, because the whole terminology and main idea to be understood, is quite difficult, and hard to relate to.

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