Sunday, September 18, 2011


Title: Holes
Author: Louis Sachar
Genre: Fiction

This book is about a teenager named Stanley Yelnats who was always in a wrong place at the wrong time and who is believed to be under the family course because of his great great grandfather who stole a pig from a Gipsy. He has been unjustly sent to Juvenile camp where he was forced to dig holes all day. These holes had to be exactly five feet deep and five feet wide. Stanley soon realizes that the digging is not only meant to build boys’ characters, and that the warden is looking for something that is buried under a dried-up lake. Here Stanley becomes friends with a boy names
 Zero and together they escape from the camp and solve the mystery of digging holes at Camp green Lake Detention center.

1 comment:

  1. The books sounds very interesting, I hope you are enjoying it.
