Saturday, September 28, 2013

the guardian

1. Include the following pieces of information:
  • Title
The Guardian
  • Author
Nicholas Sparks 
  • Genre
love story 
  • Number of pages read this week / total number of pages in the book (Ex: 50/250)

2. Report Section

Describe: Briefly summarize what you have read over the past week

Consider the following questions and use them to guide your response: 
  • What is happening at this point in your reading?
  • What have you learned or discovered in this section of your reading?
  • How have these developments affected the characters, relationships, situation OR your understanding of the issues presented withing your reading?
So far the book continues where it left off and nothing too unexpected happens. The main character Julie continues dating Richard. He stays being a charming Mr.Perfect when he gives her a necklace.He also takes her on a very romantic weekend out of town. When everything seems to be perfect Julie and Richard get into a small fight because Julie wasn't wearing her necklace. This upset Richard because he though that she didn't care about him and didn't think of him the way he thought about her. Even though Julie seemed to be very upset and worried this fight didn't last long. This small fight did leave an impact in their relationship and showed that even Richard is not perfect. Julie's dog Singer still doesn't like Richard and feels left out and that is why he starts going to Mike's garage every day. Mike decides to start talking to Julie again in order to win her heart. He makes up a plan to be her friend as usual and he also lies that he is in a relationship with Andrea, a girl who workers with Julie at her salon. One last major thing that happens in these few chapters is that Mike talks to a man who knows Richard. He expects to hear wonderful things but he hears the complete opposite. The man didn't say lot but a few bad things about Richard. While I was reading I felt like something was wrong and one thing that upset me the most is that Julie doesn't care about Singer as much as she used to. 

3. Response Section

Reflect: On what you have read over the past week

Consider the following questions:
  • What do you think about what you have read?
  • Has your recent reading fulfilled your expectations?
  • What do you expect for your continued reading?
  • How satisfied are you with what you have read?

Add: Any concerns, questions, additional comments on this reading
I really like the book but I expected a little more to happen in these few chapters. I hope that soon there will be a little more drama in the book. I think that Richard and Julie will not last long and that Mike and Julie will have their moments. 
4. Passage Section

Copy: Select a passage (1-4 sentences) that you believe to be significant or representative of the reading, or that is otherwise meaningful to you. INCLUDE page number.

Explain: What does this passage reveal about the book--its theme, focus, characters? In what way(s) does this passage trouble / intrigue / delight / frustrate / reward / challenge you as a reader?

"For Mike, the rest of the week passed tortuously  Julie didn't call, nor did she swing by the shop to say hello. Though he could have called her though he'd never hesitated picking up the phone to talk to her in the past, he just wasn't up to it. For all he knew, she'd hadn't called because she was with Richard. and he couldn't face the prospect of reaching her at home only to have her explain that she couldn't talk right now because she had company."

This passage reveals Mike's feelings and what he is going through.  All this time he wanted to be with her but he didn't so he wouldn't hurt her or ruin her thoughts about how she thinks of him. He managed to talk to Julie but she never called back which just makes Mike more desperate. He was never scared of calling her or talking to her but he always tried his best to do what's best for her and not putting her in a position where she wouldn't know what to say. I hope that Julie knows that Mike is a good person and that she will start having feelings for him. 


  1. Very briefly and nicely written! Maybe next time, you should make the letters bigger so we can read better :)

  2. Very nice, but why do you have so small font
