Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blog Post 2

The Return of the King

J.R.R. Tolkien

Science Fiction

70 pages

This week I was reading about the journey of the King Théoden’s army to the Minas Tirith. Another thing I was reading about was the firing of the messengers on the top of the mountains so they can gather around the armies for the big fight. But my favorite part was when Gandalf the white went to King Théoden and told that he will need Marry because the night before he took the ball of Souruman. When Marry touched the ball he saw what would happened in the future to Minas Tirith. So when they came to the castle they went up to the king of Minas Tirith and then Gandalf explained what Marry saw, but the king didn’t care. So what they did was they sneaked out of the castle and Gandalf got Marry close to the messengers, which was on top of the mountain where the castle was made. So what Marry did he started climbing to the firing place, without the kings order. When he came to the top of the mountain he lite firing place and then quickly came down. When they saw the fire the people were really confused what happened. So all the other messengers lite right away so when other villages so it they immediately started to prepare for the journey to Minas Tirith. What I learned from this is that you should always listen to your mind not to other minds telling you something different. Something that happened between the two characters Gandalf and the king of Minas Tirith is that the king went crazy on Gandalf because he went with Marry to the messengers place and lite it on fire without kings permission. The king already crazy but when he heard what he has done he gone even crazier. 

The messengers without bow or answer turned and fled. Now Denethor stood up and released the fevered hand of Faramir that he had held. 'He is burning, already burning,' he said sadly. 'The house of his spirit crumbles.' Then stepping softly towards Pippin he looked down at him.
What I think about this passage is a good passage, because you can see the kings reaction when he saw fire on top of the mountain.  Also in this paragraph you can see the reactions of the king when the messengers told what is happening.  

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