Sunday, November 18, 2012

 Book:Between Shades of Gray
Author:Ruta Sepetys
Genre:Historic Fiction

Imagine you are located up in a concentration camp with 400 other people, they feed you nothing and all you do is work. You finally have a close friend, and just after 3 days you are being exported to a different village..but not that friend. Lina had just started having a "love story" with Andrius, and the soviets transport her and 300 others into a new village. Some think they are going to America, but they are wrong, they went to the Siberian Arctic. The people know if they survive the first winter they will survive the next. Many things have happened, but the most important were:
  • A letter arrives telling Lina her father is in Krasnoyarsk, a Prison (pg 224)
  • March22 was linas 16th birthday, everyone gives her papers to draw on and Andrius gives her the continuation of the book he smoked
  • Some people(the ones on the list) are deported with train
  • Ulyshka was one of them however Andrius was not
  • In my previous blog post I said I wondered if any of them were Jews, now I figured out the bald man is 
  • The bald man tells Lina a secret:why they were deported from Lithuania: Petras Vilkas(her uncle) knew there was war coming so he needed help from Lina's father to get to Germany and then help Lina's family. As Petras reached Germany something went wrong, the Soviets found out about how Lina's father had helped them escape so they locked him up in prison
  • Lina feels anger towards her cousin who didn't tell her anything about the deportation and that she had to give up her freedom for her cousins
  • On page 298 the commander tells Mother that Papa has been shot, from then on things start to change into awkwardness
I predict that in the next pages Mother will die since the author already describes her as weak and thin, so I am guessing she will not make it through the first winter. Lina and Jonas will maybe escape the camp however they will live alone since they don't know where to go. It will be a sad ending. For now I really like the book and many unexpected things have been happening. 

1 comment:

  1. This book seems like a really interesting book. I know I defiantly would want to read it. I really like the style of how you wrote you blog post.
