Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Secret of Rommel's Gold
Peter Heining
Pages read: 180/250
Historical Fiction

Near the Gulf of Sidra in Greece  a ship was attacked by three British war aircrafts, torpedoed and sunk. The stories about what happen to the boxes with treasure after the sinking differ but there are three options. The first one is that they must gone to the bottom of the sea, the second one is that they were taken by the crew members who escape in a lifeboat, and the third that they are taken to the Gulf of Sidra, on a motorboat which  was on board, and buried somewhere in the desert. Nothing more was heard of the six cases until 1946.

Johnny Remensky is one of many people involved in hunt for the Rommel’s Gold. He was streetwise criminal from Glasgow, known as "The Prince of Safe-crackers". He was one of the cleverest cat burglars in Scotland and an expert with explosives, who turned this talent to good use for the country in the British Special Force, during the Second World War. One of his mission was to blow open Hitler’s safe in the Reichstag in Berlin,  and his condition was to be on his own for this particular job.


  1. Good work. This sounds like a intresting book. I espacially liked the first paragraph.
