Friday, November 30, 2012

ORR #9: Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel

Name of Book: Bring Up the Bodies
Author: Hilary Mantel
Pages Read: 115/432
Genre: Historic Fiction

I haven't read so much this week, as I maybe would have liked to, but as the book is going on the situation is progressing, and the book is starting to get really interesting. Where I left off, last time, it was on page 64, and page 65 starts in a very interesting way, so it wasn't hard for me to start reading.

The page started like this:
The man had rolled his eyes. "So what can you do?"
"I can fight."
"Evidently not well enough."
"I can cook"
"We have no need of barbarous cuisine."
"I can cast accounts."
"This is a baking house. We are well supplied."

I like this part of the book because I like people who tell the truth, no matter what the actual truth is, and this kind of has a little bit of funny to it, so that is why I like it. The rest of chapter two is just talking about the past of Austin Friars. What he has done, where he has traveled etc. And it is pretty interesting, since now I get the feel of how everything actually worked in the 14th century where this book actually takes place. Where I left off, it is Christmas day, and the author starts that passage, by giving a clear description of exactly how it looked like.

I am enjoying this book very much, and I will finish reading it very soon since it is a quick read. And as I have mentioned before, this is clearly a historic fiction book, because it is a part of history with very few things being made up. The words in the book, and the way that they are placed create a very clear image of the time so if you were to ask me to draw a scene from a book it would be very easy. I can't wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds very interesting! I really like how you talked about how the page started and why that was so interesting :)
