Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elijah Of Buxton

Title: Elijah Of Buxton
Author: Christopher Paul Curtis
Pages: 341
Genre: Historical Fiction

On a Sunday, Elijah's friend Cooter decided to solve a mystery. In the road dirt there are unusual, long wiggly tracks. They tried to figure out what is was for some time before the Preacher comes by, and tell them that they are tracks from rolling hoop snakes. He told them that their poison is so dangerous, that one bite can kill a man or animal. If they get bitten they will swollen up and after a week, there will be so much pressure inside of them that their organs will blow up. The Preacher asks them if he ever gets bitten by one they have to take his gun and shoot him in the head, because of the awful suffering. Elijah gets so scared that he runs back home and tell his mom everything, but she simply answers that he shouldn't be scared of anything. Elijah's mom is really scared of toady-frogs, so him and Cooter hides one in Elijah's mom's knitting to scare her. Luckily for Elijah his mom takes it as a joke.
A couple days later Elijah hurries home from school to do his chores and deliver the fish he has promised. He tried to catch the flies around the horses and use them as bite. Once the Preacher welcomed seven newly freed slaves. Mr. Segee checks the work Elijah and on of the other freed slaves Flap-Jack. Flap-Jack is the first one to work in the stable and Elijah takes over later on the day.

Elijah: He is the first born child in his town to be born free and not as a slave.

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