Sunday, November 25, 2012

Between Shades of Gray

Book: Between Shades of Gray
Author: Ruta Sepetys
Pages: 344
Genre:Historic Fiction

    "Was it harder to die, or harder to be the one who survived?" (Page 319)
Your mother freezes to death, the commander tells you your father has been shot, where do you see your future going? Young Lina has experienced so many deaths since her departure from Lithuania, and now that there is no one left to look over her, she is responsible for her little brother. To every ones surprise, on page 333, a doctor comes to the camp, the NKVD have to let him in since he is the inspector of all camps, if they wouldn't he could report them to anyone. The inspector brings last hopes to Lina, he says what NKVD say isn't always real, that he has met many people that were "dead". The story end with Lina looking into the sky and seeing a tiny silver of gold between shades of gray on the horizon, then she squeezed the stone that Andrius had given her from the beginning of the book. After the story ended there is a note that was found, it was a letter from Lina to whoever would find it. The note stated how she was imprisoned for 12 years, those who survived could barely talk, but she found Andrius and they lived the rest of their life the best they could.

The ending of the book was a cliffhanger, one doesn't really know if Lina survives or what happened. I usually don't like Historic fiction books but this one was really exciting and had a story I had never read before. The story is a story about survival but also about loss. I recommend this book to people who like mysteries, this book has won many awards and most people will enjoy it. The author doesn't use complicated words meaning it is easy to read and has a deep story behind all chapters. I really liked this book and I hope if anyone ever decides to read it they will like it as well.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really like endings like that when you don't know what happens next! I really like the tittle of the book. It sounds very interesting
