Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Way I See It

Title: The Way I See It
Author: Nicole Dryburgh

This week, I read a book called The Way I See It. This book is an auto-biography of a girl who was an excellent gymnast and a great student, until she got a malignant tumor on her spine, which caused her to become blind and unabled to walk.
In the first few pages of the book, Nicole describes her whole family, and the fact that her mom, Jackie, had to leave her job as a dental nurse, to take care of Nicole when she got extremely ill. She also talks about her five friends, who've been there for her through all the hard times.
Nicole's nightmare started in 2000, when she was on a holiday with her mom in Scotland. She hit her hand while she was swimming in the swimming pool, and the pain in her hand was unbearable. It progressed to her neck, over a few days, and she was often unable to sleep at night. Her mom took her to see a doctor, and that is when Nicole got her first out of many MRI scans. When they returned to England, Nicole also had tons of blood test done. That is when she realized that she has a dangerous illness, that could potentially be deadly. Many of the kids at her school, made fun of Nicole's tumour. I thought that this was unbelieveable, and I can't believe that someone would make fun of a person with a serious sickness. However, it is really amazing that Nicole stood up for herself, and didn't let the horrible words get to her. Her first operation took place on August 7th, 2000. After the operation, Nicole and her family knew exactly what they were dealing with; a rare type of cancer, known as the Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour. This is as far as I have read into the book, and it is scary to predict what my happen next to a girl who is only 11! However, despite everything that she has been through, it is amazing and quite inspirational that Nicole decided to live her life to the fullest, even after the illness left her with numerous disabilities, and that she decided to write a great book about her journey.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! sounds amazing and really inspiring. SO this is a true story and its and autobiography about the author.
