Sunday, November 6, 2011

NBA Lockout


This lockout is really getting out of hand! The NBA (National, Basketball, Association) basketball players are protesting for higher salaries, and the owners of the teams just aren’t ready to make the decision of getting paid less than before. The lockout has been going on for 4 months now, the board of the NBA has been trying to negotiate with the NBA’s representative Derek Fisher. The deal has still not been sealed, as the NBA is losing grade A players rapidly to other European teams, or different leagues. During the lockout many efforts from players, to earn some money were off, of bets, such as who is the best point guard, many of these efforts failed. The board of NBA has offered a deal which accepted or declined by Wednesday, the NBA has offered players 51% of the whole NBA’s income, if the deal is declined, the situation could be much worse. We as the NBA audience pray for the lockout to end, so the NBA can again entertain us with their "amazing skills."

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