Sunday, November 13, 2011

Boy in striped pajamas

John Boyne

Five days a go i started reading boy in the striped pajamas by John Boyne.I could not stop reading .It was a great book ,so i read that book.The book take's place during world war II. In a story seen through the innocent eyes of Bruno, the eight-year-old son of the commandant at a concentration camp, whose friendship with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence has unexpected consequences.Bruno was lonely when he and his family moved to concentration camp .One day he decided to play that he was an inspector.He got caries away and he saw a lonely boy on the other side.When they met he asked the boy a lot of questions, “why are you and all of the people dressed in the striped pajamas”,”why don’t they let us play together?”…. The boy was quiet he did not answer his questions.They made a deal .That they will meet every day at the same spot . Bruno brought the boy food every day .After days and days spent together they becomes best friends.They tell each other everything.After some time bruno decides to help the boy.The boy cant find his brother and his father.Bruno takes his cloths of and dresses like them, he cowled under the fence and meet up with the boy.After looking for them for three hours Bruno decides to leav.But it was to late,the German commanders start beating the Bruno and the other Jewish people.They made them go in a weird room. They sat down and Bruno asked the boy “why is it worm in hear”.The boy dint know .The gas started spreading around and Bruno died with meany other jewish people died .After three months Brunos mother and Brunos sister leave the camp and move back to Germany .And nobody knew what happened.After some times Brunos father found out what happened and he pretended he didn’t know the truth.

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