Monday, November 11, 2013

Memoirs of a Geisha #1

Memoirs of A Geisha
Arthur Golden
historical Fiction

The narrator of the book is Sayura/Chiyo, Sayura is her Geisha name but Chiyo is her real name. She is telling the reader her story of how she became the most known geisha. She lived in a small village in china with her mother,father and sister. Her mother is very ill and her father sells her and her sister to a house in a far away village; Okiya. Chiyo is separated from her sister Satsu. She is in a home where they teach girls how to be Geishas and Chiyo has to do labour and is very scared at the beginning but after a few weeks she starts adjusting, Luckily she meets a Pumpkin a girl around the same age aas her and they become friends. They meet Hatsumomo this really mean Geisha who treats them very badly. She hopes to go to school because she thinks her sister will be there. One day she starts crying because she feels miserable and man gives her a handkerchief and complements her eyes and she falls in love with him. After a few weeks she Starts going to school where she learns dancing, makeup how to pour tea and manners of a Geisha. Unfortunately she doesn't see her sister in school. Hatsumomo knows where Satsu is but wont tell Sayura. Sayura is taken to get dressed and bathed and she gets to watch Hatsumomo put her makeup on and putting her kimono on.

I think that this book is really good but it's a bit slow. But overall i like the story line. I find it really annoying how Hatsumomo won't tell Sayura where her sister is! I hope she finds her sister and they can be reunited. I hope pumpkin and Sayura stay friends forever. I hope she also meets that nice man again. I would actually kind of like to go to a Geisha school the lessonos seem fun like dancing and makeup and walk around in kimonos.

"she wore the same faint smile she had worn earlier, and even auntie had to sigh,from how extraordinary Hatsumomo looked." (page 69)

In this quote Syuri is telling us how Extraordinary Hatsumomo looked as a geisha. And the auntie isn't really her auntie but is one of the ladies that takes care of her.

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