Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Post #6: White Ghost Girls

White Ghost Girls
Author: Alice Greenway
Genre: Young Adult Fiction: Multicultural
Pages: 167/167 (100kindle)

Summary: In these couple chapters Kate first talks about how the "leechy's" are HER secret. Then she talks about how she once went to an old friends house for dinner and how they showed her a tape. It had Frankie in it and the moment it showed Frankie one of the hosts put her arm around  Kate in comfort as if there was a loss or something. Later on in the story their dad comes back and they decide to send Frankie to boarding school. Frankie who is very shocked and disappointing decides to become even more unruly and breaks every rule wears unruly clothes thinking if she becomes so bad she will be able to stay.

What do you expect for your continued reading?
I think that Frankie will have an accident or will die because in the beginning Kate gives us a small hint that something bad will happen to Frankie. 

Did what you expected to happen last time happen?
Not really but now that I am near the end it is obvious that there will be some action .

Passage Section:
At one point where she is at the deaf boys house and here is what happens: "In his room the deaf boy asks if he can kiss me. Sea water from my bathing suit runs down the back of my legs, drips on the floor. We're both standing. My back flattens against the wall. My bare shoulder scratches against a cobra skin [...] Kissing the deaf boy is like tasting the sea, It's like forgiveness. [...] I love the deaf boy. I think of nothing else." Just to let the reader know the deaf boy is into animals, snake skins, bugs... he collects them in jars, hangs them in his room etc... I like this passage because it shows the reader that the deaf boy isn't just deaf. He is one of the very important characters in this book.

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